I am proud to announce that my 3rd studio album was released today.
You can purchase it digitally, directly through my website or from iTunes & other digital stores, and order CD & Vinyl copies of it from Insound or Amazon. The digital copy available on the website is the highest quality version (digitally, mp3 - 320), so if you're an audiophile or into supporting artist-direct then that's the one. It also includes a digital booklet containing lyrics, credits and additional artwork, free with the download, and is the same price as the lesser versions. The iTunes download also includes a digital booklet.

The album was produced by Mr. D. James Goodwin and myself, recorded at his Isokon Studio in Woodstock, NY in February of this year. Songs were recorded live over the course of 4 days and nights with Jason Lawrence, Anthony LaMarca and Andrew Carlson, after which I spent another few weeks adding parts and arrangements with Goodwin, then recording the Brass and String players at Motherbrain Studio in Brooklyn, NY.
The process was rich, but also quick and easy. I hope you'll like the result of it.